Zombie-Cow Characters

18 December 2008

Hello all!
I've been in the process of creating a one shot comic series with a friend I met through Twitter of all places. This is going to be a 5-6 issue comic that will first be posted online in a webcomic format (a few pages each week) and then when I go to Cons I'm thinking about printing a few off to try and make a buck or two.
Zombie-Cow is still being written by yours truly but part 1 is pretty close to being done. I'm hoping to have a website set up and be ready to start posting pages by early next year.

If you want to see more by the aritst, go to kncomics.com

Below are the character designs she's come up with and so far they're pretty spot on for what I was looking for and more is to come.

FYI If you also follow this to be updated on Metropolis, JP is working on getting last week's episode online. Follow me here or on Twitter (sarah_arnold) to find out where.

Thanks guys!