I Can Has Xbox?

26 January 2009

This past week I indulged myself and bought an Xbox360. This might be the most satisfying purchase ever. I asked for one for Christmas and was sadly disappointed when I received a blender instead. Ah, parents. Being an adult is stupid.

It came with Guitar Hero II and III. GH III has not been cracked open yet but GH II has been played thoroughly, but not by yours truly. My apartment was invaded by boys when the words Guitar Hero were uttered. I've had more people in my apartment this weekend than I have since I moved in this past summer.

But by far the game that's been taking up most of my time is Geometry Wars 2. This is a super simple shooter game with amazing visuals. Me and a friend played this for at least 8+ hours this weekend. The best part of this game might be the co-pilot feature. You can be either the pilot or the gunner while the other person controls the other function you don't choose. You get the feeling of what it must of been like on that fateful day on the Hoth battle grounds.

I also picked up a copy of Prince of Persia and BioShock. Both good games but haven't played much of either yet.

The Xbox also brought on day dreams from friends of one day buying the apartment/house I live in currently for a nerd hide out. It's a large two story house with a few one and two bedroom apartments. Very similar to flats you'd find in any metropolis. Which is always one of those fun day dreams; everyone living together but has thier seperate apartments and can just knock on each other's door for cups of sugar or to borrow Left 4 Dead.