Because You Demanded It!.....Sort of...

12 January 2010

There were no loud objections to me writing about my food adventures in the blog so here we go!

I'm not that confidant in my food photography skills so you don't get pictures yet, plus I was really freaking tired after being at work all day with new student orientation and then to the store and then cooking.

Last night for Metropolis Secret Santa I made Beef Stew and hand-mashed potatoes.

The recipe here ---->

is the one I used. I didn't make the cheese dumplings to go with it because I bought some bread (which I forgot about till I was going to bed and scared the ever-loving crap out of myself when I remembered I'd left in the oven to didn't burn though!)

And last time I made it, we needed the potato to cut through the richness. This time it didn't turn out so rich and heavy because I added more stock (about a container and a half) and less bacon. I do not live in Australia therefore when you tell me 150g of bacon I have no clue what that is, so I will assume you mean at least a half package.

Yes, I have a kitchen scale. Shut up.

It's BACON for Christs' sake...

Also I added some carrots and seasonings, because it seemed like it would be bland without them.

It still turned out rather tasty and it isn't that expensive to make considering beef stew cuts are pretty reasonable.

Tonight it's either going to be butterflied porkchops or more likely a box o' mac and cheese.

I wish I had the money and energy to go buy some fresh eggs, I'd make Eggs Benedict....