Too Much of a Selected Audience?

25 November 2008

As it states clearly to my right, I also run a talk show here in Lubbock*.
Due to some unforeseen events my normal co-host, Mr. Singularity**, wasn't able to join me on air yesterday. Don't worry guys; things involving electricity and male genitals are in his future. However, Sasquatch was able to fill in for him.
Sasquatch is now a normal player in the circle of nerd-friends I hang out with (more on them at a later date). He’s a few years younger than most but hey, as you get older a few years here and there don't really make that much of a difference. That's one of the many things you learn in college; as long as you're not a Freshman, you're ok.
Sasquatch is a really really funny dude, but like a lot of funny dudes, he's crude and centers around nerd-based jokes. Which is really hard to balance out since the show is based on commenting on current events with a student perspective. Sometimes are actually try and shoot for serious, according to Wombat (station manager, also in the nerd-circle) we're one of the few legitimate talk shows on the station. Now that's a scary thought.
Anyways, we got to a story at one point in the hour about a guy who flew over a gorge in Arizona on jet-pack. The headline read, "Daredevil flies 1500 over Gorge".
Which in turn prompted Brady to say, "Wow he really traveled far just to jump over a gorge in Arizona?"

I got the joke. You get the joke.

But what about the rest of Lubbock or even the majority of Americans?

Sasquatch is typically the "phone-bitch" for one of the other talk-shows, Metropolis, on KTXT. They discuss comics, pop culture, and well mainly comics. Again, more at a later date on the story of me and Metropolis.
So people listening to that show are expecting jokes that revolve around comics.

Basically my question is, do you think with the rise in comic books, sci-fi, and fantasy in today's culture, that most people got that joke? "Daredevil" the movie came out not too long ago, and didn't fair bad at the box office, and I'm sure it influenced at least a few people to go out and pick up the series.
But is it embedded enough into "normal" people that they would find it funny?
Maybe. I hang out with guys who still walk around making "It's a trap!!!" jokes***.


*The show is on Monday nights 7-8pm CST and can be streamed from
**Everyone who works at the station has DJ names, and for the protection of their families I'll hold back on using real names for a bit.
***If "It's a trap!!!" isn't enough for you, look up Star Wars, Colonel Akbar.