Turkey Day

01 December 2008

Greetings all, I have gloriously returned from my trek back to the homeland.
While many like to bitch and complain about being near their families, mine isn't too bad. My parents are on the edge of crazy liberal, so me and my lil brother get away with many things many parents wouldn't stand for.
For example, we openly talk about Keith drinking on the weekends (who is currently 20), smoking illegal substances, and had a sad talk about Prop 8.

But anyways, this isn't really about Turkey Day, this is about the day after Turkey Day.
I don't know why but my parents tend to listen to me when it comes to the topic of video games and my lil brother. Since I'm not talking about video games 24/7, and I can hold a conversation about other things, like comics for example, they see me as a good base against Keith. So when Keith demands he wants a game, that his world will end if he doesn't get it, they turn to me to give them an answer.

Well this came up with the game Rock Band. Ok, I'll be honest for a second I really wanted them to get him Rock Band for his Wii so I could play it over the break.
One day I WILL master the drums!
But I did successfully convince them that getting him this game will indeed boost his social skills/standing and he won't get too wrapped into it where he'll play for hours at a time. Only because your arms/hands/fingers/ankle starts to HURT after a few hours.

But after playing for an hour or two I realized that Rock Band on the Wii sucks balls. a lot of the timing is off which you can't fix, you can't use your Guitar Hero guitar with the system (and who likes the rock Band guitar?) and the song selection is a gigantic ball of suck.

So added to the Xmas wishlist besides a 360 is the Rock Band to go along with it. Because while my genetic make up prevents me from naturally keeping a beat, I will force myself to learn.